C. The continuation of African traditions in the U.S.
I think it is Jews and Communists.
The Nazis hated Jews and Communists.
The Allied perspective could have been very different.
Home rule means that local governments in Michigan can adopt its own government and makes its own rule as long as it doesn't go against state laws.
I hope this helps you:)
The first governor was governor chris
The north army is known as the Union army and the south army is called to be Confederate.
there were theaters of war and the theater is a large area which is not yet taken. Army of Potomac is the major union army and the army of Virginia is the main army of southern states. Citizens opened recruiting offices, went on rallies and and signed up voluntarily the document which wanted him to become a soldier. Willingness to fight and the spirit of nationalism is high due to the union recruiting offices and the confederates have to open offices prior to the union offices because of its smaller population. Each state in the north as well as south were responsible for raising armies.
Conscription laws were passed to fill the positions in the army. It was observed that the confederate soldiers were considered to be highly trained and abled whereas the union soldiers took a long time to get trained in order to make a come back. Desertion used to be a major problem in the confederates. Union had more troops and good rifles. Confederates were better led by the Army general and had higher morale. Union believed in anti slavery dictum whereas Confederates believed in slavery.