Book means to read something and find something , the old man means who was not young , the sea means it look blue and in that we can swim
from address
To address
Date- ....
Subject- Request to borrow book
dear ....
i wanted to request you if i could borrow your book called .... . my friends told me that it is a very interesting book. I know that you love the book but i so badly want to read it. I request you to lend me the book. i promise you that i will keep it in perfect condition. i would be very thankful if u lent me the book.
Yours sincerely,
Since this the title is depicting one's personal life I in the Chinese Prison it would be A. Autobiography. This is where personal information about who the person is and his/her back story and upbringing are provided along with any major struggles and hurdles that they had overcome.