Both fractions have the same denominator so it's going to be easy. First set up your equation:
Add the whole numbers:
Now add the fractions:
add both together:
is an improper fraction so change it:
Since 6 is one more than 5, add 1 to the whole number and subtract the numerator and denominator(6 - 5 = 1) and make the remaining the new numerator. That leaves you with
Your answer is
4 1/3 x 3 x 1 ¼
12 ¾ x 3 x 1 1/4
Your lucky that I just had the question on a test and realized you didn't make it into fractions.
4:30 hours ..............
idk what exactly this is asking buut here is my best answer
Step-by-step explanation:
since 6 is the possible outcoe .idk what its exacly askign so if u can help with tht that wuld be grest .
Need 1 more brainliest
The answer is C
5.76 x 10 ^3 means you move the decimal 3 times:
57.6> 576.0> 5760