Answer: sight, color, emotion, sound, motion
Data center virtualization is the process of designing, developing and deploying a data center on virtualization and cloud computing technologies. It primarily enables virtualizing physical servers in a data center facility along with storage, networking and other infrastructure devices and equipment.
// here is code in Java.
// package
import java.util.*;
// class definition
class Main
// method that return sum of two sale value
public static int Add(int euroSales,int asiaSales)
// return the sum
return euroSales+asiaSales;
//main method of the class
public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
// variables
int euroSales=100;
int asiaSales=150;
int eurasiaSales;
// call the function
// print the sum
System.out.println("total sale is:"+eurasiaSales);
}catch(Exception ex){
Declare and initialize two variables "euroSales=100" and "asiaSales=150". Declare another variable eurasiaSales. Call the method Add() with euroSales and asiaSales as parameter. This method will add both the value and return the sum.This sum will be assigned to variable eurasiaSales.Then print the sum.
total sale is:250
I believe the process is called High Level Format.