Implementation file
In popular object oriented programming languages like C/C++, The implementation file (source file) of a class is used to hold the code implementaion of the method(s) of the class, this is helpful for seperating interface and method implementation. When this seperation exists, header files will be used to declare all the methods and fields of the class.
In this way, the implementaion file will hold the actual source code of the methods that are declared in the header file and will have a line to include its associated header file. A major advantage of seperating code in this way is the enhancement of better code organization and code re-use
ERP systems provide a single, cohesive platform
“ERP means Enterprise Resource Planning”. ERP is One solution for all the business need. It is a software(Business process management software) which does various functions and gives one single application for running all the process of the organization. It shares a common Database which “enables the user to perform multiple task” from multiple location.
ERP module includes Supply chain management, financials, online sales, decision support system, warehouse management, human resource, CRM, etc. Using ERP we can increase the interaction among the staff, reduce labor cost, etc.
because producer can make their own food
The answer is true for this question