The energy that can be renewed again and again is known as renewable source of energy. Example : water, sunlight, wind et cetera.
The energy cannot be created again,once destroyed is known as non renewable source of energy.
The energy obtained from coal is non-renewable.
Energy obtained from burning plant waste is renewable
Energy obtained from water spring inside the earth is renewable.
Energy obtained from natural gas is non renewable.
Memory and learning - Cerebrum
General bodily arousal - Cerebellum
Complex mental processes - Cerebral cortex
Connects two halves of brain - Cerebrum
Relax, dream, sleep - Hypothalamus
maintain homeostasis - pons
Regulates body circulation - Medulla
Emotions - Cerebrum
Tells senses - Cerebrum
tells nervous system - Cerebellum
Cerebrum is the largest part of the brain which controls emotion and senses of the body. It controls information of the body. Medulla Oblongata is the part of the brain which is just near the spinal cord. It regulates blood circulation. Hypothalamus is the part of brain which regulates sleep wake cycle of a person.
Mutation can cause instant adaptation while natural selection is the process by which adaptation occurs over a series of generations.