Hypertension: Stage 1
You'll generally be diagnosed with high blood pressure if your systolic blood pressure reaches between 130 and 139 mm Hg, or if your diastolic blood pressure reaches between 80 and 89 mm Hg. This is considered stage 1 hypertension.
Carbohydrates provide<span> your </span>body<span> with energy.
Answer: Like you said it Run in her family History.</em></h3><h3><em /></h3><h3><em>
Explanation: If when she grows up she has a (Greater chance of getting it if her side of the Has it, but if he has no symptoms right now then that doesn't mean she wont have it It might occur later as she gets older .</em></h3>
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<span>Body's ability to endure 20 minutes or more of strenuous, continuous exercise
-with oxygen
-heart becomes stronger and more efficient
-best thing you can do for your body
</span><span>Aerobic exercise</span>