Begin artificial ventilations
Cyanosis is a very worrying symptom. It is a bluish tinge that appears on the skin or mucous membranes, most commonly on the fingertips and lips, which occurs when tissues do not receive adequate oxygen. The newborn, exposed in the question, has cyanosis, so we already know that he does not have the necessary amount of oxygen in his body. In addition, this newborn's heart rate is less than 100 beats / minute. This indicates that this child is required to receive artificial ventilation.
Artificial ventilation is an invasive life-support process that aims to optimize gas exchange and the patient's clinical status with minimal pressure, FiO2 and ventilation. This process aims to increase lung capacities, adjust gas exchange (reduce changes in the ventilation / perfusion ratio), reduce respiratory work (avoid muscle fatigue) and recruit atelectatic alveoli.
Teachers are rarely qualified for that type of knowledge
Safety tips- check weather before going outside, dress and pack accordingly, put on sunscreen to protect the skin.
Fire safety prevention guidelines- install smoke alarms, test alarms every month, talk with family about fire escape plans and practice them, and if it's in your house Get Out, Stay Out , and Call For Help
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