A craze is an exciting mass involvement that lasts for a relatively long period.
Riots, Panics and Crazes, Rumor, Fads and Fashions, and Mass Hysteria are the five types of collective behavior.
A craze is "mobilization for action based on positive wish-fulfillment belief," in contrast to panic (Smelser, 1963). There is a haste to find some fulfillment. Examples of crazes are offered, including manias, booms, and fads. But it differs from a fad in that its adherents turn it into an obsession. A craze is defined as "an exhilarating mass involvement that lasts for a relatively lengthy amount of time" by Lofland (1981). Smelser (1962) uses the comparison of objects that attract and those that repel those who are influenced to contrast crazes with panic attacks.
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Descriptive and Inferential.
The statistical method is divided into two methods. both methods give different insights for statistical data. both methods are equally important.
<u>Descriptive methods: </u>
This method is used with a description of the data sample.
For example, if you have banana's, apple, mango's, oranges. you have 100 fruits and out of hundred 40 apples sold out then 40% of apple sold out and rest of in basket are total fruits.
<u>Inferential methods:
This method is used on a large population.
Suppose you want to measure the height of men. It is not possible to measure all men's height but out of large population we can take a sample and measure the height and it can be can generalized.
In the 1930s, a serious drought, combined with excessively intensive farming practices, transformed the U.S. Great Plains into a dust bowl, wreaking economic devastation on farmers and their communities. The fertile topsoil that fed a nation was, quite literally, blowing in the wind.
Self awareness means being aware of different aspects of behaviours and feelings like being focused and full of attention to the things around you, basically just being aware of yourself etc.