A particular genotype does not necessarily guarantee a particular phenotype. Understanding what factors can change this expression is quite complex.. What is what i believe that above statement meant.
Error is the stochastic variation associated with a particular observation of the phenotype (and is managed by use of replication and and appropriate experimental design). The phenotype is the result not only of the average effect of the different alleles at a given locus across test units and across environments, but is impacted by the interaction between the different alleles and the environments (including genetic backgrounds) in which they are evaluated. Phenotype is not simply the sum of the genotype effect and the environment effect, as indicated in the mathematical formula that you provide.
Hope I Helped!!!
Answer:the process of turning from liquid into vapor.
Evaporation is the process by which water changes from a liquid to a gas or vapor. Evaporation is the primary pathway that water moves from the liquid state back into the water cycle as atmospheric water vapor.
The molecuels in liquid moves slower than the ones in the sun
pic 1 red giant, a star whose outer shell has expanded and cooled
pic 2: supernova, a shock wave produced by extremely high temperatures
pic 3: black hole, a high mass star that has collapsed from gravity
pic 4: white dwarf, a low mass star that has shed its outer layers
<span>The most likely means by which the zoospores spread from one free-living amphibian to another is via the flagella. The flagella is a tail-like structure on zoospores that helps them to move.</span>