Although I twisted my neck reading that, hehe..
Let me explain,
Climax is a turning point of a narrative work<span> is its point of highest tension and drama, or it is the time when the action starts during which the solution is given.
</span>Exposition in literature is a literary term that refers to the part of a story that sets the stage for the drama to follow: it introduces the theme<span>, setting, characters, and circumstances at the story’s beginnings.
</span>Falling action<span> is the part of a literary plot that occurs after the climax has been reached and the conflict has been resolved.
Conflict<span> is a </span>literary<span> element that involves a struggle between two opposing forces usually a protagonist and an antagonist.
What do you think it is?
(I'll provide the answer but I want you to think for yourself for a moment)
Most authors make typos like the one mentioned in order to give you a clear image as to how the narrator tells the story and in what mood the theme is set.
Hope this helps!
First of all, if the story would be in chronological order, there would be no story at all. This is because the main character of the story, Anna, won't tell the narrator, her daughter, a lot about her past. "She has kept no squinted costume, no photographs, no fliers or posters from that part of her youth".
Because the narrator tells the story in the present and uses flashbacks is the reason that she can unify certain themes, such as the three times her mother saved her life because of her leaps. "I owe her my existence three times". These three leaps the narrator owes her life might be: when Anna Saves herself when she falls from the trapeze, when she falls in love with the narrator's father, and when she saves the narrator life from a fire by climbing to the room where the narrator is trapped.