In Hammurabi's Code document it gives laws about how to govern onself while cultivating land so it looks like most people made money in the country as peasants with the exception that when Babylon was first founded in about 1900 BC is was primarily a city-state with very little adjoining area for cultivation so initially the citizens probably made most of their money in the city.,
To prevent the strengthening of the Soviet Union in Europe.
The purpose of NEPA was to declare national policy, promote efforts, to understand the ecological systems better, and to Establish a Council on Environmental Quality.
Genocide is defined as mass murder. It is done to eradicate a race, an ethnic group, or a nation.
C. The Mongol Sack of Baghdad in 1258 is an example of genocide.
Mongol soldier killed the citizens of Baghdad regardless if said citizen is a man, a woman, or a child. It was said that the death toll ranged from 200,000 to 1 million people of Baghdad resulting to it being depopulated.