May not be right, but because of Oxygen and the growing of new skin? We rub our skin without noticing and it will become frail and rub off, creating new skin
I think that answer is A
how long ago did the organism lived
Answers: the plant under the uv light for eight hours is <u><em>
experimental group </em></u></h3><h3>
The amount of water that is given to all of the plants is</h3><h3><u><em>
controlled variable </em></u></h3><h3><u><em>
The plants that are under the light for six hours</h3>
<u><em>control group</em></u>
<span>Answer: Biodiversity</span>
The suppression of forest fires causes a decrease in biodiversity because
some habitats require exposure to fire. Most ecosystems of savanna, chaparral
and coniferous forests have developed with fire as an essential contributor to habitat’s vigor
and regeneration.
Additionally, wildfire suppression eliminates plant species
in fire-affected environments that require fire to germinate, established, or to
reproduce. Also, animals that depend on these plants will be affected too.
Photosynthesis releases oxygen once the whole procedure is done and produces most common glucose carbohydrate molecules.