The trout are disappearing from the river because of the thermal water pollution, which is causing the high water temperatures.
Hereditary: tall and yellow
environment: wilted
They are multicellular organisms. In plants there are two types of reproduction :- sexual and asexual. Sexual reproduction happens when androecium and gynoecium both fuses and in asexual reproduction when only androecium or gynoecium is present in a plant. Androecium us a male part off flower and gynoecium is the female part of flower. Plants can't move that we all know and they are autotrophs coz they can make their own food in presence of sunlight, water, air and chlorophyll.....
I hope u will understand it :-) :-)
The climate of Buenos Aires is dominated by the semi–permanent South Atlantic High throughout the year. This brings in moist winds from the northeast, which brings most of the precipitation to the city. During winter, it brings in frontal systems responsible for precipitation in the city.