Fish? Some fish eat algae and algae are plants
-The distance, measured in degrees, north and south of the equator is referred to as latitude.
-Latitude is the measurement of distance north or south of the Equator. It is measured with 180 imaginary lines that form circles around the Earth east-west, parallel to the Equator. These lines are known as parallels. A circle of latitude is an imaginary ring linking all points sharing a parallel.
-The Equator is the line of 0 degrees latitude. Each parallel measures one degree north or south of the Equator, with 90 degrees north of the Equator and 90 degrees south of the Equator.
Livestock producers and breeders rank livestock on their ability to produce high quality, efficient breeding animals and market-worthy <u>offspring</u>.
To be able to effectively evaluate breeding and market animals is of vital economic importance for the animal markets. The same traits used to evaluate <u>high-grade slaughter animals</u> are also important in the <u>grading </u>of <u>breeding stock</u>.
When we judge livestock we classify them as:
- Superior livestock
- Average livestock
- Inferior livestock
We are looking for the most desirable traits to fit our particular market and genetic needs. The "Livestock Judging Manual" indicates that some of the most prevalent traits necessary to score a better rating are:
- <em>Live weight</em>
- <em>Fat depth</em>
- Muscling
and many more. The most important of which is muscling given that an animal with more muscle will produce more desirable meat for the average consumer, and therefore can be sold at higher prices.
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Haploid number of chromosomes.
Before fusion of sex cells i. e. sperm cells and egg cells, there are half number of chromosome present in each sec cell because in the sex cells meiosis occurs. Meiosis is a type of cell division in which a single parent cell divides into four daughter cells having haploid chromosome i. e. half number of chromosomes in each daughter cell. So when these sex cells fuse together, they form a diploid organism.