This is an absolute address of a place, which means that you can find this address without knowing anything else, such as addresses of other places. (so the answer is: absolute address or absolute location of a place)
Another kind of address would be be a relative address, such as "to the left of the school"
It will leads to competition for food
- Due to a decrease in the supply of food and other resources for fish population their population will start to decline, some will migrates in the search for food while there may compete for the remaining resources. Impacting their population density and his may lead to the death of fishes, some of which may be eaten by other bigger fish.
Bem, existem centenas de idiomas e se você quiser Para ser exato, existem 7.139 idiomas falados todos os dias. Apenas 23 deles são mais falados que os outros.
An orogenesis is a general term for the processes that produce mountains.