- atomic number
- electron
- element
- atom
- neutron
- nucleus
- proton
1. number of protons in an atom — atomic number
2. negatively charged particle circling nucleus — electron
3. matter made up of just one type of atom — element
4. building block of matter — atom
5. neutrally charged particle nucleus — neutron
6. center of the atom made up of protons and neutrons — nucleus
7. positively charged particle in the nucleus — proton
Stage directions are very significant in plays and scripts. They add context to the play and can also help to set the scene. Stage directions can add connotations to the play that may not have been as clear before. For example, in An Inspector Calls, when the ‘lighting turns pink’ this infers that the birlings could be wearing ‘rose tinted glasses’. This further implies that when they are wearing these glasses, they do not see the real world, but when they take them off, they realise that they are not perfect and are not powerful enough to not care about anything serious that happens.
B. (12) It was started in 2009 by actor Matt Damon and Gary White, the co-founder of Water partners.
"Water Partners" is the title of the other company mentioned