Imperialism had fed into European tensions because of the high number of European countries competing for colonies all over the world.
Article VII, the final article of the Constitution, required that before the Constitution could become law and a new government could form, the document had to be ratified by nine of the thirteen states. Eleven days after the delegates at the Philadelphia convention approved it, copies of the Constitution were sent to each of the states, which were to hold ratifying conventions to either accept or reject it.
This approach to ratification was an unusual one. Since the authority inherent in the Articles of Confederation and the Confederation Congress had rested on the consent of the states, changes to the nation’s government should also have been ratified by the state legislatures. Instead, by calling upon state legislatures to hold ratification conventions to approve the Constitution, the framers avoided asking the legislators to approve a document that would require them to give up a degree of their own power. The men attending the ratification conventions would be delegates elected by their neighbors to represent their interests. They were not being asked to relinquish their power; in fact, they were being asked to place limits upon the power of their state legislators, whom they may not have elected in the first place.
<span>Near vs Minnesota</span>
In this Supreme Court case, the court
ruled that the First Amendment protected free speech and that the prior rulings
were a violation of freedom of the Press which is protected in the
Constitution. As a result, the court overturned thr prior conviction
- <span>Bunker Hill Bunny was a classic Warner Brothers' Bugs Bunny cartoon set during the Revolutionary War era at the </span>Battle<span> of </span>Bagel Heights<span>.</span>