To remove a poisonous or harmful substance or a treatment for them to be removed.
Work well together as a team.
Fitness instructor because its the type of thing you can make into fun and learn about
health meals.
It will help to improve a persons performance.
1. Make a detailed design of a system that protects password and login information of clients.
2. Make a control on how to mange clients that decide to become friends with staff on the social media platforms
3. Create a procedure of what to do if mistake of clients data was put into record.
4. Create an interface where all the health data of clients can be inputted for easy accessibility
A detailed design of a system that protects password and login information of clients must be done before anything else. A control has to be put in place on how to mange clients that decide to become friends with staff on the social media platforms in order to keep compliance to ethics and avoid excess familiarities. A procedure of what to do if an error was done on clients data while inputting it into record has to be implemented, this would help solve any unforseen issues. An interface where all the health data of clients can be inputted for easy accessibility would be of great essence in order to keep clean and good records