The correct answer is unemployed people
People get paid when they are sick from their companies while they are sick. Men of working age or people who need vacations don't get special benefits. Regular paychecks are nowadays paid to those unemployed and those disabled, so as to help them so they don't starve or anything similar.
The Electoral College is a body of electors established by the United States Constitution, constituted every four years for the sole purpose of electing the president and vice president of the United States. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. When voters go to the polls, they will be choosing which candidate receives their state's electors.
First you should study in <span>veterinary school afterwards studying in </span>zoological medicine would be best
Answer: The child will engage himself in free exploration to the surrounding, and also be happy upon the caregiver's return
According to the theories of John Bowlby (1988), a child is securely-attached if she is confident of her caregiver’s support. The attachment figure serves as a "secure base" from which the child can confidently explore the world.
The securely-attached child explores the room freely when his mother is present. He may be distressed when his mother leaves, and he explores less when she is absent. But he is happy when she returns.
If he cries, he approaches his mother and holds her tightly. He is comforted by being held, and, once comforted, he is soon ready to resume his independent exploration of the world. His mother is responsive to his needs. As a result, he knows he can depend on her when he is under stress (Ainsworth et al 1978)
Secure attachment is also associated with
keeping track of the caregiver during exploration,approaching or touching the caregiver when anxious or distressed;finding comfort in proximity and contact
And, in the long-term, kids with secure attachments seem to have many advantages - emotional, social, medical, and cognitive.