Virreinato de Nueva España - incluía a los actuales México, Guatemala, Belice, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Cuba, República Dominicana y Puerto Rico.
Virreinato de la Nueva Granada - incluía a los actuales Panamá, Colombia, Venezuela y Ecuador.
Virreinato del Perú - Incluía a los actuales Perú, Bolivia y Chile.
Virreinato del Río de la Plata - Incluía a la actual Argentina, a Paraguay, y a Uruguay.
perceived control
Perceived control has important effects on people's physical and mental health as well as on workers' behavior. The effects of perceived control on worker behavior have been studied for many years and have shown concrete results in how satisfaction influences health.
Perceived control is an individual's belief about the amount of control available in a situation. When the individual feels that he can have some control over his environment, that individual can achieve sufficient levels of satisfaction that have the power to cause less stress and consequently good health.
Without perceived control, workers in lower status positions are much more likely to develop heart disease than those in high-status jobs. This is because these workers feel that they do not have control over their future over their working life.
The United States is not a direct democracy, in the sense of a country in which laws (and other government decisions) are made predominantly by majority vote. Some lawmaking is done this way, on the state and local levels, but it’s only a tiny fraction of all lawmaking. But we are a representative democracy, which is a form of democracy.
not in large countries such as the US and europe, but in certain poorer areas of africa it is.
It weakened the power and influence of the brahmans