One example is a coral reef.
A balance is best used to measure a sample's mass.
Answer: C
Weighing balance refers to a measuring instrument which is used to measure the mass of the sample.
It has two pans. On one pan, the material to be weighed is placed, with adequate known loads on the other one to such an extent that the shaft will be in balance.
The distinction between the zero perusing and the perusing with the dish stacked demonstrates the contrast between burdens in scale divisions.
Such an instant weighing needs the arms be of equivalent length.
A. The heartbeat can be heard
After the first trimester, during the fourth month, the heartbeat of the fetus becomes loud enough to be heard with the help of a stethoscope placed on the abdomen of the mother.
From fifth to the seventh month of the development, kicks and jabs are felt by the mother as the fetal legs grow and develops. Languo, a wrinkled pink colored skin covers the fetus.
Languo is in turn covered with a white greasy substance called vernix caseosa.
From eighth to ninth months, rotation of the fetus places its head pointing towards the cervix to facilitate childbirth later.
The development of testes takes place in the seventh month while the body hairs become disappeared in the eighth month.
There are three types of neurons are present i. e. sensory neuron, motor neurons and inter neurons.
Sensory neurons are the nerve cells which is responsible for sending the information from the sense organs such as tongue, nose, skin, ears, and eyes to the spinal cord and the brain while the motor neurons are responsible for the transportation of instruction from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles. The inter neuron helps in communication between motor or sensory neuron and the nervous system.