Because humans are humans
Being in nature or even viewing scenes of nature reduces anger fear and stress and increases pleasant feelings. exposure to nature not only makes you feel better emotionally it contributes to your physical well-being reducing blood pressure and heart rate muscle tension in production or stress hormones
A mutation can allow a organism to adapt to the environment and example can be the case of the peppered moth which has two variations a white colored one and a black colored one. The white colored ones were able to survive better that the darker ones because of how they were able to camouflage with the lichen located in the trees. However, after a while smoke particles that were released by industries darkened the trunk of the trees making the white moths visible and allowing the darker colored ones to survive. Another example can be on how organism can be resistant to bacteria this allows the animal to survive and reproduce offspring with the same mutation. I hope this helps...
The most correct option is the first option
A deer is an herbivorous animal that is usually preyed upon by many wild carnivorous animals like lions, tigers and leopards. Hence, when the population of these wild predatory carnivorous animals reduce, the population of the deer would increase because fewer of them would them would be killed by predators despite them (the deers) reproducing.
Note that a predator is an animal that feeds upon another animal (referred to as prey) of lower "strength".