Silent Spring was written in 1962 by Rachel Carson. She was an American Conservationist and a Marine Biologist and is accredited with being an inspiration to the global environmental movements.
Within the Article VI, Section 3 of the United States
Constitution, we can find a clause which is called as the “No Religious Test
Clause”. By simple terms, this clause means that no federal office holder or
employee can be mandated to stick on to or believe any particular religion or
doctrine as a requirement to holding a federal office or a federal government
However there are eight states which do required
officeholders to adhere even with the passage of this constitution. These
states are Texas, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Maryland, North Carolina,
Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Tennessee. This is because these e<span>ight states include language in their
constitutions which requires state officeholders to believe in a particular
religion or specifically protecting those who do. Additionally, some of these
states have the words “so help me God” in the oath of office.</span>
On December 5 or 6 1492 a fateful wind led Christopher Columbus to the island of Haiti that he renamed Española
thinking that it looked like Spain. Guacanagaric, the cacique of the Marien in the northern part of the island, warmly welcomed
Columbus. He thought the Taino looked coward and could easily be defeated and enslaved:
"They...brought us parrots and balls of cotton and spears and many other things... They would make fine servants... With fifty
men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want.
In the Mayflower Compact, those who signed it, also agreed to the creation of a society that would preserve order and to help them reach their goals. They agreed to create several laws, offices and constitutions that would aid the common good. They also agreed that the laws they created would be supreme and agreed to abide by them.