She should report $2400.00
She has a contract for 64 hours and she gets $3200.00 Just by aritmethics, this is doing a division we can find that she gets $50.00 for every hour, therefore if she gives 48 hours in 2019 we multiply $50.00 for 48 hours and we get $2,400.00
Answer: increase
Explanation:increase means to become greater in amount. more workers, more production.
7 c's of communication
Talk or speech needs to be interesting for audience, to attain the desired goal of communication.
The public communication would be effective & interesting ; if it satisfies 7 c's of communication - Clear, Concise, Correct, Coherent, Complete, Courteous, Considerate.
Communication not satisfying one or many of above C's is likely to be ineffective &, or uninteresting for audience
Adding up basic monthly expenses and subtracting this total from take-home pay, plus trying to find out ways or figuring out what to give up to make the monthly loan payment.
A loan is simply a borrowed money that must be repaid at a certain point in time.
Before taking out a loan, it is better you ask yourself some questions like the reason for the loan collection, how much am i earning and willing to set aside for the loan repayment and will it be monthly and other questions.