I would use seconds, most people cannot sprint for long enough to warrent using minutes.
because the world is spinning at a different angle and speed as it its orbiting the sun.
<span>While alien genomes may be constructed by completely different molecules (for example, silicon based life forms are a possibility rather than carbon) it is logical to assume that all life forms would have some sort of protective mechanism to prevent the degradation of DNA during replication. Essentially, to prevent mutations and rapid aging, DNA, alien or otherwise, would have some types of telomeres. They might either be long chains of repeated or irrelevant code or molecules that would not be easily corrupted.</span>
Light colored peppered moths decreases in number and dark colored peppered moths increases.
The population of light colored peppered moths decreases whereas the dark colored peppered moths increases in number because the light colored peppered moths are visible to the predator birds whereas the dark colored peppered moths are not visible due to dark coating of the trees so they are saved from the birds and therefore, increase in population of dark colored peppered moths occurs and decrease occur in light colored peppered moths population.