Beowulf's deeds require tremendous courage. Beowulf's deeds require courage, because Beowulf was courageous enough to death with Grendel's mother. And almost of the deeds Beowulf's require courage.
1. A many short simple sentences...
2. A a beautiful flow...
3. B mainly simple words...
4.A light and airy...
the definition of defiant is to resist, or be resistant to.
The correct answer is letter C.
The central theme of Stephen Crane's work is about the cruelty of war. It talked about characters that were unable to exercise free will because their actions were forced by the circumstances presented to them during the war. Human suffering was an apparent situation that Crane emphasized in his work.
They are more formal
I couldn't remember from this because i was too busy doing my own thing instead of paying attention, but i for sure hope this helps