La demanda de trabajo se define como la cantidad de trabajo que los empleadores buscan contratar durante un período de tiempo dado a una tasa salarial particular. La demanda de trabajo como factor de producción es una demanda derivada, en el sentido de que el trabajo no se demanda por sí mismo sino por su contribución a la producción de bienes y servicios.
Esperaba que esto ayudara, ¡utilicé un traductor para averiguar lo que estás diciendo!
To eliminate bias when they're making a decision.
Every individuals have our own preference. Including the people who work in a marketing team.
Often times, the preference that the members of marketing have can be different to the preference of their target market. What the marketing team think as a 'Good product' might not be seen as such by the customers.
Researches through objective method follows a rigid scientific process in order to find an answer to a certain question. The end result of such results will eliminate emotion or personal bias and only factors in all relevant factors that can actually be used as hard data.
This is why they conducted researchers through objective method to measure the market's perception toward their product.
Answer: The ego integrity vs. despair stage
Explanation: Psychosocial development was developed by
by Erik Erikson in collaboration with Joan Erikson which listed 8 stages of development an individual must pass through from childhood to adulthood.
One of those stages listed is the ego integrity vs. despair stage which usually occurs between the ages of 60 and above where an individual begin to come to terms with life and ask oneself questions that has to do with the integrity of their ego(thoughts of success) or despair(thoughts of failure).
Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers
1. Be more assertive
2. Stop asking for permission from others/make your own decisions
3. Get to know yourself