Depends on what is being defined as “cult activity”. If laws are being broken then of course the government needs to step in. If people are being hurt, weather they are apart of the cult or not, something needs to be done. BUT you cannot infringe on the rights of individuals to practice their chosen religion or lifestyle. If “cult activity” is using drugs and abusing members then it needs to be stopped, but if it’s praying to a giant invisible spaghetti monster and living together on a farm there’s not anything that could (or should) be done.
125^2-25÷100 =156hundreds
The first appearance that an accused makes in court is called an arraignment.
After the fall of Sadducees, Judaism changed as the worship, prayers, and related practices started taking place in synagogues and not temples.
- The comparatively new form of Judaism that came to surface gradually after the fall of Sadducees came to be known as Rabbinic Judaism.
- After the second temple of Jews was destroyed, they accepted the reality and continued their worships and prayers through synagogues in line with the practice that the Jews who were exiled from Babylonia followed.