They ate buffalo fish turkey deer rabbit
It depends how advanced in writing ur talking about also how long the word is .
An effective system of communication is essential for nation's to conduct business, develop, protect itself, and many other essential functions. Effective communication systems connect people and places allowing for easier flows of information and for greater development in areas outside of major transport or urban hubs. An effective communication system is now essential to a modern nation-state to be integrated into the global economy and to function effectively.
La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
La diferencia entre Empatia y Generosidad es la siguiente.
La Empatia es ponerse en los zapatos de la otra persona. Es decir, antes de criticar o juzgar a una persona, debemos ponernos en su lugar, lo que implica tomar en cuenta su situación personal, emocional, y comprender el por qué una persona se comporta de tal manera.
La Generosidad en cambio, es esa actitud de entrega o desprendimiento en el que una persona da y comparte, sin esperar nada a cambio. La generosidad hace que podamos ayudar y compartir, cuando sabemos que la persona que ayudamos no puede regresarnos el favor. La generosidad nos hace ser unas personas desprendidas.
Diplomatic, Informational, Military and Economic (DIME)
Each of them have their own function for achieving national strategic objectives.
Diplomatic instruments is used by the government to create a mutually beneficial relationship with other nations through the power of negotiation.
Informational instruments is used by the government to collect intel that might be kept secret by other nations.
Military instruments is used as last possible solution in case the country has to achieve its objectives through force (example of this would be when we wants to help our allies during world war ii)
and Economic instruments is used by the government to offer some sort of monetary incentives for other nations who wants to help our country achieve a certain objective.