In this statement, Maslow is arguing that not all of our needs are equally important. Some needs, such as food or thirst, are our priority, and only when we satisfy these do we begin to think about others such as love and self-esteem.
An example that shows this are people who live in extreme poverty and steal food. People in this situation would rather compromise their safety, freedom and maybe even self-worth in order to satisfy their hunger.
However, some evidence points to the opposite as well. For example, soldiers who join the war do so to fulfill abstract needs such as earning respect and finding meaning, even if this means risking their safety, having little to eat and facing many uncomfortable situations. Another example is athletes. Athletes train to a degree that is uncomfortable and hard. They also limit their food intake to certain types of food in order to achieve goals such as self-fulfillment and a higher self-esteem.
La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
La importancia del análisis de casos sociales - políticos - económicos con el uso de métodos de investigación es importante porque le permite a los investigadores darle relevancia y valides a sus estudios ya que el método científico es universalmente aceptado como un modelo de investigación que busca llegar a la verdad.
Los métodos de investigación permiten estructurar apropiadamente el proceso con el que se llevará a cabo la investigación y utiliza herramientas cuantitativas y cualitativas como la estadística, la muestra, o la moda, para recolectar datos necesarios que argumenten los resultados.
De igual manera, los métodos de investigación se valen de fuentes primarias y fuentes secundarias de información para recolectar la información que servirá de respaldo a los investigadores.
The slave trade compromise wanted the free states of the North Congress to have the power to regulate commerce
<span>Many states restricted British imports, but they did not all impose the same duties, or taxes, on foreign goods. The British took their goods to the states with the lowest taxes. From there they moved those products to the other states. The states tried to prevent the British from exploiting the different trade laws by levying tariffs on British goods that crossed state lines. The Congress could not address the problem because it had no power to regulate commerce. Each state was beginning to act independently, which threatened the unity of the new nation.</span>