The dependent variable is the<u> "average time in minutes it takes to drive from campus to workplace.
A dependent variable is the thing that you measure in the analysis and what is influenced amid the investigation. The dependent variable reacts to the independent variable. It is called dependent since it "depends" on the independent variable. In a logical trial, you can't have a dependent variable without an independent variable.
Answer:C. Damage to completed cars held on a storage lot
Operational risk are the hazards and the uncertainties that are faced by companies in the day to day activities. It may be caused as a result of system failure or manufacturing components.
An example of operational risk for a company that manufactures automobiles would be damage to completed cars held on a storage lot.
Countries with little money (apex) earth scince [sem2]
Organizational effectiveness happen when an association is able to meet its objectives and achieve the outcomes the organization intends to produce. This means an organization that produces a desired effect or an organization that is productive without waste.
Is critical to success in any economy. In order to achieve increased and sustainable business results, organizations needs to execute strategy and engage employees.
Is about each individual doing everything they know to do and doing it well. in other words organizational effectiveness is the capacity of an organization to produce the desired results with a minimum expenditure of energy, time, money and human and material resources.