Isn't it the Connecticut compromise? or Sherman's Compromise
The experience of don luis de velasco or Paquiquineo illustrates the "Ease with which European and Indian cultures could interact".
Paquiquino or Don luis was a Kiskiack or Paspahegh tribe, hails from Tidewater, Virginia, United States. He was called as Virginia Indian who in 1561 on Chesapeake Bay met with Spanish explorers and either voluntarily or as a captive but returned back to Spain with them.
As Algonquian-speaking Indians were practicing "gift-exchange economy" which represented that instead of equal value trading goods they gave gifts. Due to which debt and expectations for gifts was increasing, but when Spaniards violated this protocol, they shifted from something-for-nothing to something-for-something and in return for their generosity demanded "trinkets".
Although we can't see the video, I have some answers.
1. Watching dance Marathons where contestants Danced Till they dropped.
2. venturing haunted houses.
3.Lining up to see people sitting on poles
4. Laughing at students swallowing goldfish.
I've studied the Great Depression for many of my writings.
I think it has to be banking
1. It is not right retaliation with violence only makes the situation worse. There’s more suitable ways to retaliate rather than to use violence.
2. Yes he was John brown brown wanted to end slavery in a peaceful way without the act of violence but in term he was killed but his peaceful way of ending slavery went on after his legacy.