Risk factor which is also known as a determinant refers to certain characteristics or qualities of a person that might predispose or alleviate him or her to certain events/ health status change/ accidents or crises in life. In health arena, these factors can be grouped into non-modifiable and modifiable risk factors. For non-modifiable risk factors, these are the innate or inborn characteristics that cannot be changed or modified in any way possible. It includes age, genetic predisposition, racial origin and sexual orientation. Those are the factors which your ancestors passed on to you by blood and by family ties. On the other hand, modifiable risk factors are those characteristics of a person that can be changed and modified anytime he or she wants. It includes lifestyle, social status, occupation and current health perception. For example, sedentary lifestyle can be modified once you have started working out and beginned to plan a well-balanced diet. Social status can also be modified once you are promoted at work and eventually will get a higher salary as an award. Current health status and perception can be changed through proper health education that can be inculcated through social media and health professionals' health promotion in the hospital.
I believe that it's a High Protein, Low Carb diet.