The goal of biomedical technology research is to provide solutions to physical and health-related problems. Biomedical technology also combines technology and engineering to give solutions to medical and biological problems which include humans.
There are a lot of medical health problems nowadays. Some of them cannot be solved with traditional technology. With the growth of the countries, medical technologies have to be explored and established. It is because the more modern and sophisticated medical technology is, the easier it is to give health problems’ solutions. One of the medical technologies which is continuously being explored is biomedical technology. Biomedical technology combines technology with biology and medic to solve human health problems. Biomedical technology serves as a study to design and use medical equipment to treat and diagnose various health problems.
There are many benefits to biomedical technology. The first one is, biomedical technology makes diabetes self-testing becomes possible. In the past, people cannot self-diagnosing or self-testing diabetes. Nowadays, with the discovery of biomedical technology, people have access to monitor blood glucose. There is a very accurate blood glucose monitoring technology in which people can control and monitor the blood glucose level daily. It is easier than going to the hospital to check the blood glucose level.
The second one, biomedical technology improves diagnosis. While traditional technologies seem too old to diagnose specific and serious health problems, biomedical technology invents a technology that makes diagnosing easier. If the diagnostic is better and more accurate, the illness will be identified sooner and the treatment and the recovery can be done soon. Biomedical technology also makes coronary stent implantation possible.
If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, we recommend you to also take a look at the following questions:
1. People who have their corpus callosum severed for medical reasons would be able to tell you about which images shown to ________.
KEYWORDS: biomedical technology, biomedical, medical technology
Subject: Social Studies
Class: 10-1
Sub-chapter: Biomedical technology