B. 0.0357 wolves/mi
Divide the wolf # by the sq.mi.
I think this should be the chart you were interested in...
Individual Shape in shaded
phenotype pedigrees
Male with gen. TT PTC taster square No
Male with gen. Tt PTC taster square No
Male with gen. tt Non-taster square Yes
Female with gen. TT PTC taster Circle No
Female with gen. Tt PTC taster Circle No
Female with gen. tt Non-taster Circle Yes
*gen- genotype
Burning of woods has a negative impact on the climate.
Burning of woods for heating has a negative impact on our climate because it releases carbondioxide gas which is a greenhouse gas that trapped the reflected solar radiation and leads to global warming. We have to used alternative methods for heating such as electric heater instead of burning of wood which produce no pollution and can fulfill the requirement of heating so from the above discussion we can say that the activity has a negative impact on the environment.
B - Antibiotics
Antivirals treat viruses, antifungals treat fungi, and OTC treatments are merely symptomatic treatment. Antibiotics typically dissolve the cell wall of bacteria meaning they explode, so they actually kill the bacteria.
The vertebrate Brain is a collection of motor neurons connected to each other and other types of neurons in the head throughout the body is True.