to serve as hubs of exploration for a Northwest Passage to China
The colony of Virginia, mapped in 1606 and settled in 1607, was the first permanent English settlement in North America, after several unsuccessful attempts in Newfoundland -by Sir Humphrey Gilbert in 1583- and on Roanoke Island by Sir Walter Raleigh. end of the same decade.
The founder of the colony was the Company of Virginia and its first two establishments were Jamestown, on the banks of the James River, and the Colony of Popham, on the banks of the Kennebec River, in the present state of Maine, both in 1607. Popham's colony quickly failed due to famine, disease and conflict with the Native Americans (the Powhatan confederation) in the first two years. Jamestown was also about to fail but was saved thanks to the arrival of provisions and new settlers. In the colony of Virginia, tobacco became the quintessential business and produced many benefits for the settlers.
In 1624, the letter from the Virginia company was revoked by King James I, and the colony of Virginia was transferred to Crown property, as a royal colony. After the English Civil War, in the mid-seventeenth century, the colony of Virginia was nicknamed by King Charles II as The Old Dominion for its loyalty to the English monarchy.