As Shaka became more respected by his people, he was able to spread his ideas with greater ease. Because of his background as a soldier, Shaka taught the Zulus that the most effective way of becoming powerful quickly was by conquering and controlling other tribes.
After a case has been granted certiorari which is when four Justices agree to review a case it is then the justices may decide against further review of the case. They can review a case an decide to dismiss it if Court may feel the case presented during oral arguments did not present the constitutional issues in a clear-cut way. In this event the writ of certiorari is "dismissed as improvidently granted" (DIG)—saying, in effect that the Court should not have accepted the case. Harsh right XD
The Supreme Court accepts 100-150 of the more than 7,000 cases that it is asked to review each year. - Us courts website claims this number
After Moses Austin's death in 1821, Stephen Austin won recognition of the empresario grant from the newly independent state of Mexico. Austin convinced numerous American settlers to move to Texas, and by 1825 Austin had brought the first 300 American families into the territory.
In 1836 Santa Anna marched into Texas to quell a rebellion primarily by U.S. settlers there. ... His army defeated Texan forces at the Alamo and Goliad before moving eastward to the San Jacinto River, where he was defeated and captured by Gen. Sam Houston
The Texas volunteers initially suffered defeat against the forces of Santa Anna–Sam Houston's troops were forced into an eastward retreat, and the Alamo fell. However, in late April, Houston's army surprised a Mexican force at San Jacinto, and Santa Anna was captured, bringing an end to Mexico's effort to subdue Texas.
On April 21, 1836, Sam Houston and some 800 Texans defeated Santa Anna's Mexican force of approximately 1,500 men at the Battle of San Jacinto, shouting “Remember the Alamo!” and "Remember Goliad!" as they attacked. ... However, the treaty was later abrogated and tensions built up along the Texas-Mexico border.
The Battle of San Jacinto, fought on April 21, 1836, in present-day Pasadena, Texas, was the decisive battle of the Texas Revolution. Led by General Samuel Houston, the Texan Army engaged and defeated General Antonio López de Santa Anna's Mexican army in a fight that lasted just 18 minutes.
The carolinas are the u.s states of north Carolinas and south carolinas then they turnd northwestand marked the location with stakes