PicnicTech markets three versions of its Picnic Egg Boxes: the Golden Deluxe, containing 3 gold eggs and one plain egg; the Regu
lar, containing 2 gold and 2 plain; and the EconoLunch, containing just one gold egg and 3 plain ones. The corner store has 3 Golden Deluxes on sale, 2 Regulars, and 5 EconoLunches. This is all shown in the tree diagram below. http://media.apexlearning.com/Images/200510/07/a6e9393b-3fe4-4969-be04-2acab03027d0.jpg
You go to the corner store and buy a Picnic Egg Box at random, and select an egg from it at random. Use a probability tree diagram to calculate the probability that the egg is a gold one.