In the early 1900's , a company often provided a company town, a place where the worker could live in the near working location ( usually like a mining location)
The workers usually were lured by the promise of high wage.
But here's the thing, in company town, a source of living usually can only obtained in a company store, and the cost is really high.
So instead of getting a high wage, the workers trapped in huge debt to the company, creating some sort of slavery that they have to work to pay off their debt to the company
Techincally, the company could easily bring those workers to the court ( even though is very cruel, they obtain the debt in a 'legal' way), so basically workers cant do a thing
If this question is asking what I think it's asking, the answer is Puberty or Pubescence.
Functionalist Perspective.
The functionalist perspective basically sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability. This approach looks at society through a macro-level orientation and broadly focuses on the social structures that shape society as a whole.
On New York Times, written by Sabrina Tavernize last 2016, she revealed that not any factor can cause it. However, it can be triggered through social media. It normally is evident among adolescents where insecurities are said t be high. Social media became a game to gain favor and popularity. It establishes popularity through the number of friends and the numerous things they do in school. It also added that young aged people start being young women in their age.
It further pointed girls as having higher rates of being prone to depression unlike the rate of boys.
Answer: Sammy Lee Lee
Pretty easy if you ask me, doesn't everybody know/knew that?