. a. answers vary
b. Yes; the taller the person is, the longer his or her reach.
c. The independent quantities were represented by the x-axis, while the dependent
_quantities were represented using the y-axis.
d. A trend line can generalize the trend in the data.
1-18. a. The graph is in the first quadrant because negative lengths do not exist; the range
of the data determines the kind of graph.
b. Counting by 10’s makes the graph a reasonable size.
c. In this situation, including the origin with the graph is not suggested. It is easier to
see the trend line when the data are not bunched together, and this can be done by
changing the range of the graph to exclude the origin.
d. The graph should include the maximum height (that of Yao Ming) on the x-axis
and the height of the tunnel on the y-axis.
1-21. a. b. c. d.
e. f. g. h.
1-22. a. –8 b. 29 c