Explanation: We are given that: Students in the class can either speak French, German or both 15 students know French 17 students know German
Now, the maximum number in the class can be calculated by assuming that no student can speak both languages. This means that the number of students will be the summation of those who know French only (15) and those who know German only (17)
In this case: the maximum number of students = 15 + 17 = 32 students
This solution to this problem is predicated on the fact that the circumference is just: . A straight line going through the center of the garden would actually be the diameter, which is well known to be two times the radius of the circle, so we can say that the circumference is just:
So, solving for both the radius and the diameter gives us:
So, the length of thes traight path that goes through the center of the guardain is just , and we can use the radius for the next part of the problem.
The area of a circle is , which means we can just plug in the radius and find our area:
So, we have found our area() and the problem is done.
Solve problems that involve finding powers of a number
Description of mathematics:
In this problem students work with powers of numbers and, as a consequence, come to understand what is happening to the numbers.
Students also see how an apparently enormous and difficult calculation can be broken down into manageable parts. The students should come to realise that there are only a limited number of unit digits obtained when 7 is raised to a power. Further, these specific digits 'cycle round' as the power of 7 increases. This cycle is 7, 9, 3, 1, 7, 9, …