When the Soviet Union's oil and gas revenue dropped dramatically, the USSR began to lose its hold on Eastern Europe. Meanwhile, Gorbachev's reforms were slow to bear fruit and did more to hasten the collapse of the Soviet Union than to help it. ... On December 25, Gorbachev resigned as leader of the USSR.
follow me..m
im sorry
I cant help you you need to decide on your own destiny
Maslow study could be critized for reduced generalizability.
In the spring of 1519, upon receiving the news of the arrival of strangers to the east coast of present-day Mexico, to the beaches of Chalchihuecan in the present state of Veracruz, Moctezuma sent ambassadors presided over by five Mexica nobles to investigate the stories. Following his detailed instructions, the emissaries carried three sets of trappings: one associated with Tezcatlipoca, another with Tlaloc, and another with Quetzalcoatl. Each Nahua god had elements of specific attire, and Moctezuma believed that Cortes could be related to Quetzalcoatl, taking into consideration the prophecy which said "from the east will come white and bearded men" and thought that if the Spanish allowed them to adorn it with their attributes It would be proven that such a relationship was true, since no one would dare allow themselves to be decorated in such a way without being authorized for it by the deity. Perhaps by chance, Cortés was pleased when he was dressed in Quetzalcoatl's suit. This terrified Moctezuma Xocoyotzin, who sent rich presents to prevent the Spanish from approaching. But the gifts only aroused the greed of the invaders.