Because its in their blood ( DNA ).
being around ecxessive noise.
inhibit bone resorption
Bisphosphonates inhibit bone resorption with relatively few side effects. As a result, they are widely used to prevent osteoporotic fractures. The use of bisphosphonates for the management of osteoporosis will be reviewed here. An overview of other treatment options for osteoporosis is discussed separately.Jul
Axons are long nerve processes which carry nerve impulses from the Soma to other neurons, they vary in length but can become almost as long as half of the human body.
The soma (body) of the neuron contains the nucleus which acts as the cell's control centre, these contain many small neurofibrils which project from the nucleus into the dendrites.
Dendrites are short, thick processes which branch out of the soma in a tree like manor. They conduct nerve impulses to the soma.
The three categories of neurons:
Afferent (Sensory) Neurons have the dendrites connected to receptors such as the eyes, ears etc. These receptors change the information they receive into electrical impulses that are transmitted to other neurons. In sensory neurons the axons are connected to other neurons.
Efferent (Motor) Neurons have the dendrites connected to other neurons, the axons are connected to effectors. Effectors are either glands or a muscle cell that is the receiving end of the nerve impulse. The nerve, when excited will cause the effector to react (move, contract, or secrete etc).
Internuncial Neurons have both the dendrites and the axons are connected to other neurons. They are sometimes referred to as connector neurons.
Internuncial neurons are found throughout the body, but especially in the spinal cord and brain.
Properties and characteristics of Neurons:
Normally the electrical impulses (messages) travel through a neuron in only one direction.
The axon may be surrounded by a 'coat' of lipids (fats) and proteins known as the myelin sheath which acts as an insulator.
Neurons are specialist cells that have lost the ability to reproduce themselves. Once the soma of a neuron has died the entire neuron dies, and can never be replaced.
Repair of damaged neurons only occurs in myelinated neurons.
white matter are coloured by myelin, consisting of many neurons supported by neuroglia.
grey matter is soma and dendrites or bundles of unmyelinated axons and neuralgia.
All athletes believe that keys to great
performances depend on training and the quality of equipment one uses. In order
for a person to prevent injuries during cycling, one must make sure to always
purchase a bicycle that is custom-fitted.
There have been various innovations of bicycles
available in the market, some are ready-to-use and some can be custom fitted
for athletes who are serious about their sport. Custom-made bikes are the
on-going trend in the cycling world, as it has been proven that a good bike can
always ensure great performance in terms of aerodynamics. Aside from this
reason, when a bike is
custom fitted for a person's size, it ensures the biker's safety because gears
are well-suited for his built and performance. </span>