True, according to Christianity at least
The state of nature
According to Hobbes, the state of nature is the state where individuals do not live in society, nor under any government.
In this state of nature, each people take care of themselves only, in a war against everyone else for survival.
Because everything can be taken from them at any moment, people do not have any incentive to produce more than what is needed for basic survival.
The state of nature ends when people form a social contract, in which the give power to a government (the leviathan) in exchange for the protection of life, liberty, and private property.
While King Solomon reigned there was peace, but when he died the peace had stopped. The kingdom then split to the north half Israel and the south half Judah. The Northern part, Israel, eventually turned to polytheism and was destroyed by assyria, while the Southern part continued to believe in one God, and their faith was renewed by the prophets.
sorry if im wrong but im sure im right