When you divide two fractions, you do Keep, Change, Flip or KCF. So you keep the 3/5, you change the division sign to a multiplication sign, then flip the 3/15 to 15/3. So the new equation is 3/5x15/3. Then you simply the two sides so it becomes 1/1x3/1.....
Meaning the answer is 3.
Answer: 1/5
Step-by-step explanation: l
y = 10 when x is -4
will be the correct answer
30 - 18 = 12
So he has 12 miles left for this week.
There are 3 more days
So 12 divided by 3
Which is 4, so he needs 3 more hours per day for the remaining 3 days
Step-by-step explanation:
g(-1) = -5/-1 = 5
g(5) = -5/5
g(g(-1)) = -1