Answer: Monitoring for any change in color and edema at the injury site
Health education on self care of the colostomy
Fluid resuscitation (may also be considered medical care)
Patient diet should be monitored as patient should be on a liquid diet.
1) we are monitoring for any change in color at the site of injury, because of infection. If there is infection there is likely to be change in color of injury site.
Edema is a swelling, If there is a swelling at the injury site post operation, then it means something is wrong.
We then act because we don’t want sepsis to set in.
Fluid resuscitation because it is likely that patient becomes dehydrated post operation.
Also Patient’s diet is monitored because of the surgery we don’t want patient to be taking solid food so as to prevent an irritation of the gastrointestinal tract.
This is likely due to peripheral vasoconstriction. This happens in order for the body to retain heat longer in order to protect the body from hypothermia. The skin would act as an insulator of the organs and water. Also, when this happens, it would allow more of the oxygen to be transported to the oxygen sensitive organs like the brain and the heart.
It's okay
You may be feeling unhappy and not wanting to live life cause things might not be going your way. For instance, on days where I get scolded or yelled at or beaten up, I feel very hurt and feel like the world isn't for me. The best thing to do is know that this is only a small part of your life and will likely get better.
There is a certain amount of time in which a person that has been damaged by the hospital needs to file a case. It only refers to the time when a client sees the injury. They are usually allowed that in the next two years, if they want, can file a lawsuit against them. But it's everywhere in the world different, and it varies from country to country how they will handle this type of problem.
EctomorphsPeople with this kind of body are naturally thin. They have difficulty in gaining weight. They have a fast metabolism.
Endurance events like football and tennis are good for people with this body structure
EndomorphsPeople with this body structure have a heavier fat accumulation in the body. They have a slow metabolism and quickly gets tired.
Rugby and power lifting are good for people with this body type
MesomorphPeople with this body can easily gain and lose fat. These people have more athletic built compared to the ectomorphs and endomorphs.
These people can quickly adapt to any sports