EMRs are electronic medical records that is a digital version of a patient's paper chart, helps in proper documentation and makes information to be available to the patients
EMR is a digital version of a patient's paper chart, it involves the collection of the patient medical record and electronically store the health information in a electronic form that will can be used for clinical or administrative purpose instead of the traditional method. EMR takes the data such as the medical history, medications, diagnoses,allergies,immunization etc input into a software created for that purpose.
<em>What challenges and benefits do you anticipate</em>
EMRs offer tremendous benefits to improve productivity, quality, flexibility, save time in patients cares.
The benefit includes: Patient centeredness, safety, timeliness, accessibility, improved communication, efficiency and engagement etc.
With all the benefit EMRs face various challenges which affect it operations and implement by new graduate in working and interfacing with it:
Many new graduate experience physical burnout while working with EMR,
Employee resistance
Autonomy is another issue, between the graduate and the patients on how much information to gather,
Interoperability ,
Technicality in the software application,
Lack of training and communication,
Security gaps and regimentation.
<em>Strategies to be implement to ensure a smooth transition in documentation while using the EMR?</em>
To ensure a smooth transition while using EMR the following is needed:
Flexibility is required in transition from paper to digital records
Patient's cooperation and support important
Security ( especially cyber security) Data privacy
Ample training.