The avocado is a fruit of a different time. ... The fruit attracted these very large animals (megafauna by definition weigh at least 100 pounds) that would then eat it whole, travel far distances and defecate, leaving the seed to grow in a new place
Answer: deception;debriefed
Deception during the research occurs when the participants are not given the fully information about the research that they are participating on or they are given the incorrect information about what the research is about .
This is usually done in order to receive bias free answers because when people know what the research is about they may sometimes answer in a way that will give a particular response that they feel is expected theirfore not being completely true.
A debriefing is now done to establish how people felt about the actual research or research question after they have already participated in a research in order to receive a feedback report . This is where everything in now explained to them properly and accurately.
Modern Drama is essentially a drama of ideas rather than action. The stage is used by dramatists to give expression to certain ideas which they want to spread in society. Modern Drama dealing with the problems of life has become far more intelligent than ever it was in the history of drama before the present age.
As the questions states "are," this implies that multiple answers are possible. In that case, all of these would be useful strategies to reduce the stigma against people with psychological disorders.
If people increased their contact with members of this population, they would stop seeing psychological disorders as something far from them and difficult to understand. Moreover, if they increased their education on the subject, they would be less likely to have prejudices or stigma against these people. Finally, increased equality education would allow members of this population to be more included in society, which would most likely decrease the stigma.