1.) El sentido de la vida es para nacer y vivir nuestras vidas y seguir el ciclo de la vida Y al fin morir, pero en la vida tienes que hacer lo que te haga feliz para que no te arrepientes de nada
2.) lo más importante de nuestras existencias es hacer algo que tenga un impacto en el mundo o en la gente que conocemos.
"The cold temperature may cause the capillary refill to be 5 seconds. We should assess further."
Answer: Long-term memory cognitive skill or ability
Cognitive ability or Cognitive skills are the ways our brain remembers, thinks, hold attention, reasons, learns and reads. it is what helps you to process new information and it does this by taking that piece of information and distributing it to the appropriate areas of the brain.
Long-term memory cognitive skill allows you to recall information from the past. it will help you to remember what you were taught in class weeks back and may also help you to remember lectures from years back even after you have left school.
Long-term memory also helps you to remember prior workplace training and and how you will apply it to current tasks.
Because u can help a person that can help with that disease or problem that that person has